CO2 is one of the most important nutrients for plants!
The table shows recommended dosage (bubbles per minute) in different tank sizes. A 95 g CO2 cartridge contains 50,000 ml CO2.
How to use the product
- Ensure that the regulator is fully off before you mount the regulator on the CO2 cartridge.
- Fill the diffuser-chamber with water.
- Place the cartridge in the rack, slide the suction cups on the hose and mount the hose to the regulator and the diffuser.
- Mount the diffuser with the suction cups at the inner side of the tank near the bottom and place the hose in the back corner.
- Leave the diffuser for 24h in the tank to ensure that the ceramic disc is fully moistened.
- Open the regulator carefully and count the number of bubbles per minute in the diffuser-chamber.
- Wait 5 minutes, adjust and repeat until the number of bubbles per minute is similar to the recommendation in the table.